Located in southeastern New Mexico near the Texas border, Lovington is the county seat and heart of Lea County. We are New Mexico proud with a West Texas twang. We are a small town that has a regional draw and a mindset of growth, progress, energy/economic solutions, and development.
Our hometown is filled with community pride, and we are focused on health, happiness, and our families. We have strong roots in oil and ranching. We love Lovington. We host big-hearted, high-quality events in our nostalgic small town, and Smokin’ on the Plaza is no exception.
As Lovington’s signature event, Smokin’ on the Plaza features tons of barbecue, free activities, live musical entertainment, and a variety of vendors. The main attraction is the state championship IBCA Sanctioned BBQ cook-off. Every year, the best of the best come to Lovington for their chance to win BIG CASH PRIZES and an opportunity to compete in the Jack Daniel’s World Championship Invitational BBQ.
First established in 2010, this event has become an annual celebration for the New Mexico community and beyond. 2024 Smokin’ on the Plaza will take place on May 30th & 31st, in downtown Lovington. So, fire up those grills, and join us for our 14th State-Sanctioned BBQ Cook-Off and Music Festival!